Saturday, January 18, 2014

A flaming hot laptop

i was bored with looking at my laptop looking stock. My friends have some alienware laptops. of course there is a white sony, an acer, macbook which look cool.  i too wanted to have something that could turn everybodys head. mostly i wanted something that the alienware people would turn around to see. i had a black fujitsu lh531 laptop. it is not so bad looking. it has some silver lining and the logo is chrome. but still not good enough to convince me that my laptop is in the same league as alienware. so here is what i did.

firstly i tried on making design with a pencil. the graphite looks awesome on black laptops. everyone really admired it. it gives a mean stance to the laptop. but within a week of usage, it slowly got rubbed off or spread to the surroundings. time to use the eraser. but then i got some paint thinner and wiped it and it was gone in a stroke.

to get a more permanent application, i tried out nail polish. since i had no experience with nail polish, i did not realize the fact that nail polish is semitransparent. that is when i painted red nail polish on the black laptop, it just looked darker black. i wanted something that made my laptop look more conspicuous.

now comes the conspicuity tape. i first thought of spray painting but was more frightened that things may go irreversibly wrong. so i sticked to the paln of conspicuity tape. look at the how it looks now.

i know it is not such a good job. but i will refine the artwork slowly. drop in any comments on how it looks.

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