i want to tell you today my list of my exhaustive hacks on my android cellphone that work wonders
in boosting my battery life. to do all these, we first need to root the device.
guys who don't know about rooting, rooting is the process of getting administrative rights on
your cellphone which allows us to modify the whole cellphone as we like. for this, popular
applications like z4root ( worked for me always everywhere ), and others and for samsung
smartphone users, there is another way of entering into recovery mode and doing it. relax , it is easy
and it mostly never goes wrong. if anything goes wrong, remove the battery and replace it and
restart it. if anything has really gone wrong and is not rectified, go to the service center and tell
them that the phone switched off when receiving an update on the net. he will do that free of cost
for you(if in warranty ).
after rooting, install a root file explorer like "root explorer" or "es file explorer". the list of
tweaks are
1. go to root directory i.e / and into the /system directory and then into the app directory
making it /system/app. now start renaming the following things into a new extension starting
from ("anything that has sns in it, wiper.apk, Vpnservices.apk, stk.apk, setupwizard.apk,
networklocation.apk, htmlviewer.apk, drmprovider, certinstaller.apk ") for example,
vpnservices.apk should become vpnservices.apk.bak
2. then go back to the root directory i.e the / and then into /data and then into
/data/dalvik-cache and delete the whole contents of the directory. now poweroff your
cellphone and turn it back on. it will take longer than usual for the first time, but this is ok
and it happens. then you turn it off and then turn it back on. you should now see a difference
in your boot times. congratulations, we just cleared off some junk services that eat up the
battery and the processor. you can further dig deep and try renaming other applications but it
is risky and you alone will be responsible for that act if anything goes wrong.
3. if anything actually goes wrong, just try renaming them back one by one to original forms
and restart the phone to check whether the problem is corrected or not. if nothing is visible
or any other thing, then connect yoour phone to a laptop and download adb tools it is about
10mb and connect your phone, download pdanet android drivers and connect your phone. it
will be discoverd and you can undo things in the command prompt.
4. then, there is a build.prop in the /system which is to be edited in a text editor and add the
following lines one by one and not in a continous way anywhere
you can also add ro.media.enc.jpeg.quality=100 for good photos but this drains battery like
hell when camera is turned on.
also google build.prop tweaks to get more but i feel these are enough to make you feel proud
if your phone
.the last, install setcpu or some other application which allows your cpu eat less power.
it worked wonders on my micromax android phone to save battery.
feel free to contact me if any
doubts at aveemashfaq@gmail.com
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