Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Updates on Project "UbuntuNewbie"

I would like to start off by thanking people for showing their interest in the project. I really appreciate the point of people showing enthusiasm towards this. I need some positive energy to work on this and the response I have got is positive. But frankly speaking, I am a bit heart broken that I have posted the scripts and got no comments whatsoever. I have deliberately chosen a half-baked script so that people might start a thread of discussion or give some input so that I know who are with me. But, if the word is not spread, then spread it. Or else I just have to soldier on by myself. Maybe, time will tell about everything. Until then, my part of the story of what I have been doing.

Before I begin, I would like to say that people have a lot of misconceptions about my project and my motives. Please make sure that you read the link below that ends with "110.html". That should clear things up. I will be making a new blog post on "How to contribute to this project" soon. Until then, read the below paragraphs to find out why I have not made the posts already.

I have been hung up on the developer side of the project. There is this Ubuntu community team which I have got into and I have been pushing my plans into the community team. Let me give you a testament of what has been going on.

This is in no way the only effort that I have made. I have been in the recent community team Q&A session. A more comprehensive effort of what I have done is recorded in the community team mailing archive. You can follow the conversations here.

So, the outcome of my interaction with the developers is as follows. Daniel Holbach is supporting me and likes the idea behind the project. He is pushing it into the minds of the developers which is a good news. Former community team manager Jono Bacon also made a comment telling that the general direction of heading of the proposal is good, Though he also remarked that this discussion is often being side-tracked. There is a Scott Kitterman and a Svetlana Belkin currently in favour of my idea being implemented. No idea or any clue about the others. David Planella is still in the process of giving it a thought and is mostly going to agree with me on that.

As you might have read those mails in the post above, I have explained to the Ubuntu community team in the most clear way that is humanly possible that this project will be undertook by me. They just had to put a small amount of input in filling out some survey form like things(Launchpad work items). I will be making a blog post about how anyone can contribute. But long things short, I explained to them in the mailing lists on exactly what they have to do. The point is that everyone including the developers and the users alike are giving likes to the project. But, everyone is reluctant to make any contributions which are useful.

It is not like I cannot be doing this on my own. I am perfectly capable of making videos on my own and publishing them in my name. It is just going to take a bit longer. But the point is you don't have to start with the manufacturing of petrol when you want to race a car. It would be easier if petrol was supplied and the race driver had to bother only about the race.

One more thing which is incredibly funny is that in the Q&A session that was going on, when I asked about the project, I got a message back in IRC saying, please give me the links to it. From Daniel Holbach (dholbach) which was strange considering he and David Planella were the ones who told me that I could do and encouraged me to do that in the first place.

But I did get a valid point from Daniel Holbach. He and the others were working overtime in the Ubuntu Online Summit and got tired. They had their weekend when all this development was taking place. So, no one replied or has been active in that aspect. So, I am going to make an effort to put these things into place once again and pray to God that atleast this time people could spare their time and listen to me.

Putting these things aside, the reason why there has been no developments in the project UbuntuNewbie are the following
  1. I was giving it sometime with the half-baked scripts expecting to see an inbox flooded with messages about comments made on my document.
  2. I was waiting for the developers to have an opinion on my project. But it seems that they are not aware.
  3. I was waiting for some developer to go in a fill up a form sort of thing (to be precise, creating a work item in Launchpad) so that I could realize that this is a part of Ubuntu and I could maybe learn for myself and work on it.
  4. I was waiting for an Ubuntu user to tell me that +Aveem Ashfaq, I just wanted to tell you that I made a music which might be helpful to your project.
  5. And I was really waiting for UbuntuOnAir session to happen to officially know what the developers thought about my idea.
Anyways, this is a true hand on heart account of events that have taken place. I was also offered a place in the LinuxPadawan project which is also awesome. LinuxPadawan has goals similar to mine but in a way, it is better. They want to help people fix their linux systems and introduce people to all kinds of stuff that has to do with linux. Please check their page. It is better than how I described them.

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